Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Learn how to execute padmasana by following simple steps – Anju Nagpal

Padmasana, also known as Lotus Pose, is a posture used for centuries to practice meditation and raise the seated stance. A seated asana does not require any physical stretch or exertion; therefore, it becomes an essay to achieve mental calm and peace. Basically, this asana improves physical stability by strengthening the spine. Spine health and right posture are essential in enhancing concentration and developing a better focus. This asana helps to establish an erect stance, raises Prana throughout the body, and makes an essay taking deep breaths. Concentrating better on the breathing process is the right approach in entering the state of meditation quickly. It is also called Vajrasana. It is related to numerous spiritual convictions and concepts, and it is gloriously attached to and a part of many religions and spiritual traditions.

Padmasana for beginners

Padmasana is a sitting posture performed by locking both legs together since the practitioner must sit in a locking leg stance in this position, which may appear challenging for beginners. It is also advised to practice Ardha-Padmasana to those who experience discomfort while doing so. Ardha-Padmasana has nothing except placing one leg on top of the other thigh despite placing both on top of each other. Regular practice makes it possible to progress to padmasana easily. 

Steps to perform padmasana

Sit on the floor, cross your legs, and strain your backbone.

Leg crossed in the manner as bend your right knee, hold the leg, and place it on your left thigh.

Likewise, bend the left knee, hold the leg and place it on the right thigh.

Now place your both hands on your thighs in dhyana mudra.

Make sure your entire body pose should be erected in this position.

Now concentrate on the breathing process.

Try to practice a deep breath – inhale, hold and long exhale.

Benefits of Padmasana

Padmasana has a plethora of health advantages. It is a powerful approach for staying healthy, particularly for women, because it alleviates many women's health difficulties and diseases. Practicing padmasana regularly throughout pregnancy makes childbirth easier.  It is a good source for keeping the mind in good condition and the finest technique to practice meditation and pranayama. This asana helps to increase concentration and mind awareness. The benefits of padmasana are listed below.

It is beneficial for pregnant women.

This asana reduces muscular tension.

It is the strategy to awaken the chakras and helps to perform deep meditation.

This pose is especially excellent for pregnant women since regular practice makes delivery easier.

This is a great way for pupils to improve their concentration and focus on their studies.

It gives practitioners inner tranquility and long life.

It keeps the blood pressure under control.

It expands the ankles and knee muscles.

It overcomes the menstrual discomfort.

It restores the energy in the body.

It helps to relieve mental stress, tension, and anxiety.

It improves the digestive system.

It improves the health of the abdomen.

Precautions of padmasana

Padmasana has some precautions and contraindications to execute it. It is suggested to perform Ardha Matsyendrasana, Badhakonasana, Janu Shirasasana earlier before performing it. Important points of precautions and contraindications are listed below.

It is prohibited to perform it if you have a knee injury.

It is not recommended to be done if there is any ankle and calf injury.

It is also not recommended if any trouble with a spine health condition.

Never perform this pose without first stretching your legs and spine.

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