Saturday, July 24, 2021

Yoga asanas and their benefits by Anju Nagpal

According to the ancient period of time, Yoga asana is practiced to erect the body posture in such a pleasant manner that we can coordinate with our body more extensively. Asanas are also referred to as yoga poses or yoga postures. These are commonly employed in meditation practice. It aids in enlightening our inner energies and increasing our intellect power of insight. However, in recent times, it has offered many forms of postures to bring diverse benefits along. Yoga asanas are extremely constructive for both spiritual and physical health conditions. It has endless positive effects on human existence, touching every aspect and directing them in the direction of happiness and prosperity. It helps increase stamina, inner power, the balance between mind and body, flexibility, and alleviates stress, anxiety, and other mental disorders.

Ardha Chakra Asana

In English, it is also known as the half-wheel posture. This position improves spine and neck function while also increasing flexibility. It is also effective in dealing with the entire abdominal organs in a better way and improving their functionality. It is not much difficult to perform such as a full wheel. The steps for executing this stance are as follows.

Stand straight while raising your hands in the first step.

It is also suggested to keep your hands on your hips to make the better support or balance of your body.

Now in the second step start bending backward; it is important to concentrate on the accurate posture without bending your keens.

In the third step, you must focus on your breathing and regulate it in slow motion.

In the final step, you must exhale and return to your starting position.

Repeat this process 2 to 3 times, twice in a day for better outcomes.

Health advantages of Ardha chakra asana

This asana is well-known for being one of the best exercises for relieving back pain or lower back discomfort.

This asana produces superior effects in terms of respiratory system wellness.

It contributes to the loss of thigh and tummy fat.

Ardha chakra asana stretches the muscles of the belly, stomach, and intestines, which helps to improve the whole abdominal area.

It is an excellent asana for improving heart health.

It relieves tension in the back and neck issues.


One of the most basic and straightforward asanas that everyone can do very easily. In Sanskrit “Tada” means ‘mountain’ and “asana” means ‘posture’, which is why it is named mountain pose in English. Despite it is simple to perform, but still it offers several health benefits. Before I get into the benefits of doing so, I'd like to go over how to do so.

Stand straight with placing the arms alongside your body

Take a breath and raise your entire body upward along with the arms.

Try to maintain the balance of your entire body on your toes for a while.

Feel stretch in your shoulders, arms, neck, and chest.

Hold the pose for a few seconds.

Release the posture while breathing out.

Benefits Tadasana

It helps to increase the height.

It is beneficial to erect a body posture.

It boosts mental awareness.

It regulates the breathing process.

It increases the energy in the body.

It refines the mood.

It is also a useful way to reduce weight.


Virabhadrasana name history is associated with Lord Shiva; it is stated that Virabha was one of Lord Shiva's Gana (Soldiers).  Because this posture is dedicated to him, it is known as Virabhadrasana. Warrior position is another name for this posture. This Asana is practiced in three different ways: Virabhadrasana 1, Virabhadrasana 2, and Virabhadrasana 3.

Virabhadra first type 

In this strategy, the person establishes a defensive posture, straightening the upper body while keeping the feet wide open and grounded. The hands are also wide open in the sky in this position while banding the back and breathing gently.

Virabhadra second type

In this type, a person is in a relaxed state and focusing straight forward towards the destiny having the position of feet widely open and grounding back foot and front foot is in a 90-degree angle. While in this position, the person should breathe deeply and gently.

Virabhadhra third type

In this type, a person takes a simple standing position while slightly bend keens. This asana offers various ways to keeping your hands; hand could widely open in front or along both sides, it could be joined to your back or joining your palm anyone of these could be done.

Benefits of Virabhadhra

Strengthens and stretches the back, legs, and ankles.

Promotes abdominal wellness.

Improves Concentration and attention.

Increase flexibility.

Stretches the thigh muscles.

Maintains balance and coordination throughout the body.

Help you feel mellow.


Bhujagasna is a bending stance performed while lying down on your abdomen, similar to how we normally get one of the positions in Surya Namaskar. It is also known as the 'Cobra Pose' because the position we generally used to take to perform, it resembles a cobra by lifting the neck and head upwards.

Ways to perform this posture

First, lay down on the yoga mat on your abdomen.

Raise your upper body while keeping your hands on the floor with having proper support.

Try looking up while bending your neck backward.

Take the breath in a three-part inhale, hold on and release. 

Hold in this position for 15 – 30 seconds while starching your body nicely.

Health benefits of bhujangasana

Bhujangasana is extremely beneficial for promoting back health.

It helps to decrease stress and anxiety.

It also reduces the fat from the lower back and thighs.

It stimulates abdominal organs.

It gives a great stretch to entire upper body organs such as the chest, lungs, heart, and abdomen.

It is effective pose asthma patients.

It enhances the reproductive system for both men and women.

It has a positive effect on a woman's menstrual cycle.

Padahastasna pose

Padahastasna stance, also known as hand under the feet pose, was created by combining the words "Pada" (feet) and "hasta" (hands), which resulted in the padahasta (hand to feet) pose. It is a challenging pose that is usually done as part of suryanaskara. It stretches the hamstrings, hips, calves, back of the thighs, and the entire leg, including the knees and ankles. It has several health benefits, but first, let me explain how to do it.

Stand up straight with your feet slightly apart.

Take a deep breath in and raise your arms.

Stretch your body as much as possible.

Breathe out and lean forward until your palms are resting on the ground.

Hold the position for 10-30 seconds while breathing normally.

Now, while breathing in, progressively release the posture and return to an upright position.

Finally, exhale gently and return to the beginning position.

Health benefits of Padahastasna

It improves the body's flexibility.

It promotes blood circulation throughout the body.

It improves focus and attentiveness.

It is also good for the heart health.

It directly stimulates the thyroid gland.

It naturally increases the skin's radiance.

It eliminates hair loss.

It is effective for back, knee, and ankle stiffness.

It is therapeutic for gastrointestinal issues.


“Padam” meaning in Hindi is Kamal, which meaning lotus flower, for this reason, it also is known as the lotus stance in English. When we sit in a cross-legged stance while straightening our back and body, it resembles a lotus flower. This stance is commonly used to practice meditation since it helps keep you focused and execute the meditation correctly. This asana is generally suggested to perform early in the morning on an empty stomach. If you experience any difficulty while executing padmasana, then proceed to aradh-padmasana while keeping anyone leg on the inverse thigh.

Health benefits of Padmasana

This asana helps to increase concentration and mind awareness.

This asana reduces muscular tension.

It is the strategy to awaken the chakras and helps to perform deep meditation.

This pose is especially excellent for pregnant women since regular practice makes delivery easier.

This is a great way for pupils to improve their concentration and focus on their studies.

It gives practitioners inner tranquility and long life.

It keeps the blood pressure under control.


This posture's name is broken into two words: "Dhanur" and "asana." Dhanura is a Sanskrit term that signifies a bow, and asana is a pose that is why it is referred to as a bow stance in English. This position is excellent for increasing focus and strength. It is a back-bending position that strengthens and stretches the spine. It aids in increasing flexibility, which is essential for remaining youthful and radiant. Dhanuranasana has numerous health benefits, which I will discuss after I describe how to perform it.


Lay down on the floor on my stomach.

Inhale and attempt to raise your knees while holding your feet with your hands, exhale.

Lift your arms and legs are as high as you possibly can.

Hold the position for a while and focusing on your breath.

Slowly release the position by letting go of your feet and straightening your arms and legs while exhaling deeply.

Health benefits of dhanurasana

It stretches the spine greatly and makes it flexible.

It helps to fight against abdomen issues.

It has a remarkable effect on constipation.

It is beneficial in resolving menstruation problems.

It improves both men's and women's reproductive systems.

It helps to tone the body and reduce the unwanted fat from it.


The name of this position is derived from the combination of two words: "Chakra" means wheel and "asana" means stance; thus, it is known as wheel pose in English. It is a deep backbend posture that has numerous health benefits, particularly for persons who suffer from asthma.

Method to perform chakrasana

This asana can be done in two ways: standing or lying down. It is advisable, to begin with, the lying posture; once you have gained flexibility, you can use any way that is most comfortable for you.

In lying position- Lie on your back, fold your legs, and place your feet firmly on the ground.

 Place your hand upwards, keeping the palm adjacent to your ears.

 Inhale and try to lift your body by placing pressure on the ground with your arms and feet.

In this position your head becoming down behind and your entire body up in the form an arch.

Hold in this position for a while.

Release the position and exhale gently.

Health benefits of Chakrasana

Chakrasana is a very effective practice of extending the lungs and chest, which allows for better airflow and oxygenation.

It works wonders for asthma people.

It improves mental attentiveness and sharpness.

It aids in the reduction of tension and anxiety in the body and mind.

Chakrasana is particularly useful for rejuvenating all of the body's organs, including the liver, kidneys, heart, and stomach.

It gives the body a lot of energy.

It improves eyesight.

It has wonderful effects in providing serenity and quiet.

It is also useful for reducing tummy fat.

It provides strength to all of the muscles in the body.

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